Happy Father’s Day Daddy

IMG_7025This poem came about when I looked after my two nieces one weekend, while their mum and dad competed in a mountain bike competition.

We were chatting about Father’s Day and this is my older niece’s thoughts of what her dad has done for her. We sometimes think children don’t notice the wonderful memories parents create with their children.

You’d be surprised what kids remember. Thank you Dads of the world for helping educate your children, from a primary teacher.

Father’s Day Poem

Happy Father’s Day Daddy3 of them

Thank you for our special times together

Father’s Day is only once a year

But that one day is not enough

Because I know what you do everyday


Just in case you’ve forgotten

I’ve made a list to show you,

Thank you for:

Giving me healtIMG_7042hy snacks

Making school lunches

Taking me to swimming lessons;

With mummy’s help of course


Putting me on your shoulder,

Because you’re the strong one

Playing in the parkIMG_7019

Bike riding at the mountain bike track



Taking me to Aunty Maria’s cooking classes;

I’m good at reading the recipe

Rock climbing high up the wall

Art classes after schoolIMG_7001

Teaching me Italian;  I can say, ‘See you later,’ ‘Ci vediamo dopo’

Gymnastics; I’m good at the splits


Taking me to school

Picking me up from school, then

Looking after me after school

That’s because we’re lucky you work from home, calves

And also helping me with homework


On the holidays

You take me to ice skating and

roller-blading; I’m getting really good at both

When we go to the movies

You let me have treats like

popcorn and a drink,


Also I love seeing the cows at the tourist place and IMG_7060

And snow skiing on the slopes; I’ll be as good as you soon


Thank you for more special times:

For sometimes waking up in the middle of the night

Sharing toilet duty

Reading a story before bed

Then tucking me into bed

Kissing and hugging me goodnightIMG_7040


So Daddy, Thank you.

When the sun opens its eyes

Your job starts all over again

Father’s Day is an everyday job


I love you Daddy

I mean, we love you Daddy because

You are doing the same for my little sisterIMG_7041

And, in case you didn’t know

Mummy loves you too.


Tanti baci (Lots of Kisses),

Your daughters and big girls xoxox




19 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day Daddy

  1. Beautiful poem. You can see there was a lot of thought put into that list! I’m going to get my boys to think of one too. It’s a wonderful idea for Father’s Day!


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